Sunday, July 24, 2011

Drum roll.... It's a Girl!

Well, it has been a few weeks since we left Chicago and we are all settling into our new place in Charlotte, North Carolina very well. The day before we left the windy city for our drive out to the east coast we decided to pop in once more to visit our doctor and make sure the baby was in good health after our international exploration to Guatemala. All things checked out wonderfully and we were even able to squeeze in another ultrasound, confirming our beliefs that indeed Baby Sieckmann is a GIRL!!!!

We are very excited and are looking forward to welcoming our baby girl whom we have dubbed, Rose Victoria Sieckmann, into our new home in Charlotte around December 17, 2011. Just in time to get that tax write off!

Living in Charlotte the past few weeks, we have come to develop a strong liking for the city. The people we have met are all super kind and the area is bustling with fun things to do. While we have been busy unpacking and setting up our home, we have managed to set some time aside to get out and see the city too. 

Eric has officially been at his job 2 weeks and and he is welcoming the challenge that is the energy industry. His first trip to Washington D.C is next week, so he is looking forward to venturing out and being a catalyst in the evolution of this industry. While waking up to an alarm clock and returning to an office required a bit of an adjustment in the beginning after 2 years at Kellogg, he has found his pace and is overall very happy with his new role at Duke. 

Laura has been enjoying setting up the new home in Charlotte and getting to know what the local community has to offer over the past two weeks. It does take quite a bit to get settled into a place, unpack and organize everything, so she has been super focused and diligent in doing so. Overall, Laura is getting the home ready for Baby Rose, is busy becoming rounder by the day and couldn't be more content. 

Things on the east coast are going great! Stay tuned for more baby news and enjoy this video of our latest ultrasound where all of Baby Rose's vital organs are checked and where it is confirmed that yes in fact, we are having a girl!

1 comment:

  1. I love your video! How fun is that! We are expecting a little boy around 12-6! Our U/S was going to wait until the end to tell gender, but half-way through she got a good look at his "parts!" We are pretty excited, looks like you are too! I can't wait to read more about her!
