Sunday, November 4, 2012

Month 10- It is Spooky how fast she grows!

Ooh my, it is so hard to believe that Rose is already 10 months old! We have already begun the planning for her first birthday celebration! It is amazing how much she is developing. As you will see in the pictures, Rose is quite a character and has a BIG personality. She loves being the center of attention, but is graceful and silly as well. 

Now that Rose is walking, she is always on the move and she is becoming more animated in her play, where last month she was just carrying around her toys and spreading them out around the room, she now plays with her toys, turning on musical toys to dance, putting game and toy pieces together and flipping through books on her own. 

October was an eventful month for us and included many outings as well as a trip to Chicago. Rose was an angel on the short flight there and she seemed to enjoy taking trains everywhere. We celebrated Eric's 31st birthday while in the windy city and we attended a beautiful wedding at the Drake. It was a great trip. We also went to the South Carolina state fair for Rose's cousin Antonio's 4th birthday. Rose enjoyed all the excitement at the fair. We also went to a BBQ festival, a botanical garden, fruit picking and a hayride at a local farm and Gymboree this month. Ooh, can't forget Halloween.  It was a busy month, but full of good times and memories.  We put a video at the end of Rose being Rose, enjoy!

Rose FAQ's

Whats New:
A lot of walking!
Drinking out of a straw
Saying "Baby, Go and Do"
Shaking her head yes and no, well mostly no
Playing more dexterously
Started using her arms when she dances

To share
Cuddling her stuffed animals
Chewing on everything (more teeth should be here soon)
Eating leaves (to mommy's dismay)
Dancing to music
Being tickled
Feeding herself steamed Broccoli and Carrots
Playing with ice cubes
Going down the slide at Gymboree
Watching Jeopardy

Being fed when full
Being woken up
Hanging out in her crib
Having to be quiet
Wearing socks and hats

At the UNC Botanical Gardens
Botanical Gardens with friends
Gymboree with Daddy
Gymboree- Baby soccer with Daddy
Parachute time!
At a BBQ festival
Rose's first hayride

Picking grapes from the vine

Yea fruit picking!

Little Ballerina

Just awoke from a nap

All dressed up with my mouse shoes on!

So sweet!

Our little Vikings fan!


Watching the Sea Lion show

Roller coaster- Rose sat this one out

Cousins on motorcycles


Rose's second plane trip

A walk along Lake Michigan Shoreline

Family pic on the Gold Coast

At the Lincoln Park Zoo

Rose and Daddy at the Zoo
Out to eat in Chicago- being silly
At the Zoo
Rose's wheels at the Zoo
Eric's Birthday dessert
Make a wish!
family pic- Eric's Birthday dinner
These are her teeth!

Walking around Chicago

At Lucky's our favorite sandwich shop in Wrigleyville

Rose at the wedding dinner
Wedding at the Drake
Daddy daughter dance

Suit of armor at the Art Institute in Chicago                                  

Just a few paintings by Renoir 
A classic
And another 

Starting the art appreciation early
Monet Water Lilly

At Navy Pier

At the airport on our way home- Rose has her dolly


Avocado and lime toast

Fresh Spinach

Spinach Quesadilla


Falling asleep at the table


Our 3 pumpkins =)

Rose looking for the trick or treaters

Out for a walk and wearing bunny ears- we cased the neighborhood early

Rose the skunk eating dinner before heading out

The mouse, the skunk and Robin Hood

Rose is ready to go!

Playing on our porch

Out collecting candy

Trick or treat!



Mommy put some flour in a bowl for Rose

And she loved it!

Mommy added some shredded coconut to the flour for more texture and Rose tried to eat it all!

Rose loves looking out the window

Rose's newest toy- Gymbo!

She loves to cuddle with him!

Just as she loves to cuddle with all her stuffed animals!

Rose enjoying some quiet playtime

Playing ball outside on a sunny day (she is not a fan of the hat)

Our house!

 Well that is all for October! We hope you had a great month and that the Fall weather is treating you well! May the remaining part of 2012 be blessed for all our faithful readers out there!

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