Monday, August 27, 2012

Month 8, On the Move

August has been a wonderful month for Rose's development. She is really perfecting her standing up from a sitting position and her crawling skills. She is also becoming a champ at pulling herself up on furniture. Daddy also taught her to bang on table surfaces, so we are currently rethinking our glass top coffee table.

We just finished setting up, unpacking and baby proofing our new home, so Rose finally has free range to crawl and play as she pleases, with a few restrictions. She at times seems like she is not sure what to do with all the open spaces and freedom, but I am sure she will figure it out soon enough. We are thinking she will be ready to take her first steps any day now, so mommy is always peeking around corners and stalking Rose with the camcorder in hand, paparazzi style.

We had our house warming party last weekend and it was a great success, of course we forgot to take pictures, but it was wonderful to get our local friends and family together. The weather was perfect and the food was delish BBQ and Summer sides. We had such a good time we are already planning our next shindig. Rose managed to sleep through the middle of the party however, so hopefully she will be awake for the next one =) She did get to see some of her best pals, Evelyn, Sophia, Elsie and Kassin. She also had some great quality time with her cousins, so that was fun!

Rose's small motor skills are improving and she is beginning to feed herself more, which leads to a bigger mess, but more fun and practice for her. It is really cute watching her manipulate and pick up small items, her concentration and agility are amazing to see. Rose still only has one tooth, we call it "Chomper." We know that second bottom tooth will pop through any day, we are hoping soon cause it is causing her a little bit of crankiness and discomfort. It does give her an excuse to put everything in her mouth though.

Her large motor skills are so developed however, she rarely falls, but is so controlled in her movements. It is really cool to watch her catch herself from falling. Such a strong baby! Mommy has the bruises to prove it =)

All in all August was a pretty chill month for us. We drove up to Atlanta to see some old friends from California and surprise Cole for his birthday. Rose had a good time and was well behaved on the 4 hour drive. She really liked the hotel pool and even got to play in a kiddie pool at Cole and Holly's house. She slept well in the hotel too, so it was a fun trip. Between the pool time in Atlanta and the pool time at the Y and in our own backyard, Rose has had one wet month. It hasn't been super hot here in Charlotte either, it might have gotten up to 90 one week, but was mostly in the 80's, perfect swimming weather. We also got an outdoor swing for Rose, so she is really loving the backyard.

Well that is all for this month. Enjoy the pictures as usual and make sure to come back next month to see more of baby Rose.

Rose FAQ's

What's new:
Starting to clap
More animated expressions
Crying when being held by strangers
Crying when she wants her way
Screaming (horror movie style) to get attention
Smiles when being told to not do something
Saying Mama, Baba and Aaa and Ohh
Saying Mmmm when eating food she likes

Playing with Mommy's iPhone, especially when it is playing music
Chewing on, well, everything
A long morning nap
Baby dancing to fun songs
Going to sleep with music on
Screaming at the top pf her lungs
Watching live music performances on TV
When mommy is silly
Ripping apart the plants

Getting cleaned up after a meal
Sitting in one place for too long
Short naps
Trying to crawl while wearing a dress
Poopy pants
Sleeping in her crib

Daddy and Rose at the Y Pool

Another pool trip

Rose showing her team pride and tooth "Chomper"

Cute cloth diapered babe

Rose asleep

And Rose awake

Hanging out in Atlanta

Smiley girl
She loves carrots
Reading books!
Blowing raspberries at those who don't like the Raiders

Summer BBQ with friends

And yet another pool day!

Rose trying kiwi, despite the face she really liked it!

Rose playing solo in the sitting room

An iPhone is a toy in our house

Digging for toys

Rose and Sophia playing blocks

Rose jumping

Teething baby

Playing with the elephant

And in the mouth it goes =)

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