Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Month 7 is for Fun

Family pic with uptown Charlotte in the background

As we settle into our new home and Rose grows in leaps and bounds, life is so busy and full of fun. Not a day goes by that we are not doing something on the house like painting our dining room set or installing a ceiling fan, as well as taking Rose out for baby play dates, baby gym or storytime.

Now that Rose is officially 7 months old (ooh my, they were not lying about time flying by!) she keeps proving to us that she is far advanced beyond our expectations. She can now stand up from a sitting position, and we are counting down the days (and frantically installing baby gates) in anticipation of the day when she begins walking.

Other milestones that we want to share, Rose waves hello and goodbye now, she has become more animated during her playtime (making fun noises and getting creative with play),  and is really starting to explore more (another motivator to baby proof and finish unpacking!) Rose crawls around everywhere and nothing much stops her =)

Our schedule is becoming more predictable as Rose settles into a long morning nap and short afternoon snooze, so we are able to plan our social calendar around naps and fit in lots of playtime. Rose is also sleeping fairly well through the night, going down at about 8pm every night, waking at around 1am and about 3am to eat and then sleeping till about 7am (we are an early to rise home now =)

Here are some Rose FAQ's
Fresh or frozen fruit in her mesh feeder
Screaming and growling
Peek a boo
Standing up on her own
Mommy dancing and singing
The ABC song
Salmon and Sweet potatoes
Reading books and turning the pages
Bob Marley and Sublime music
Going for stroller rides
Baby Gym

Nighttime diaper changes
Mommy or Daddy playing on their phones
Being hungry
Wearing Hats
Missing naptimes
When other kids take her toys (she growls at them)
When mommy has to do chores
Too much time in her carseat (more than 20-30 minutes awake)
Going out to eat
Alone Time

Enjoy the photos of Roses 6th month of life!

July 4th

Independence day!

Rose loving the pool!

Happy baby!

Rose and Daddy goofing around

At Gymboree


Cutie at Baby Gym

Sleepy baby (yawn!)

Baby Slide at My Gym

Rock wall with Daddy

Eric installing baby gates

Water Play

Rose at the Water park

Rose playing with her toys

Rose's new pool in the backyard

Sweet Baby

Smiley face

Pretty Girl

Cute shoes!

Tasty toes

Standing up on her own!

Rose enjoying baby gym?

Unsure about the rock wall

Rose practicing her vocals


Just up from a nap

Cuddling with her daddy

Bouncing Baby

Pretty in Polka Dots

So good at standing up

Chill Time

Messy face

Daddy Daughter Quality Time

She is so cute after bathtime!

Pretty girl!

Love that smile!


Rose standing up so well!

Our big girl

Eric's new baby backpack

Say what?

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